Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Grade Seven Novel Study - Manon Rheaume

The following represents the final evaluation for the Novel study - Manon - Alone In Front of The Net

1. Do a character sketch , in point form and in detail, of each member of the Rheaume family we meet in this novel.
2. Construct a plot outline for the story. Note at least 10 important events from the story and the list them..
3. Choose 2 of the people in the novel and tell at least four interesting things about them..
4. Illustrate your favorite part of the story. In a short paragraph explain what is happening and why it is your favorite part.
5. Compare yourself to one of the characters. How are you alike and different?
6. Did you expect the story to end the way it did? In a paragraph write how the story ended and what clues the author gave as to how it would end.
7. List at least 15 new words that you learned from this book and give a definition for each.
8. Did the book hold your interest?
Why or why not?
Write a paragraph and include at least 6 reasons why or why not.
9. Explain why the author might have chosen this title for her story. What other titles could you suggest? Give reasons for your choices.
10. Create a poster to advertise Manon’s book to others. The poster should give them a reason to read it.
11. Should a sequel to this book be written? Why or why not? What might it be about? Write a paragraph to explain your opinion.
12. Write a poem of 15 lines or more about a character, place or idea from your book.
13. In a paragraph describe the setting of your book. Find a map on the internet,or some other source, to locate important places in the story.
14. Write a letter to a character in the book. Discuss something important that happened in the story.
15. Write a newspaper headline and article about an important event in the book.
16. Do a 3 page research essay about what has happened to Manon since the book was written. List all the web sites used for this paper. You must refer to at least 3 web sites.


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