Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Adopt a Country

Social Studies Presentation #1 – Introducing your Pacific Rim Country to the Class

• Show a close up map of the country.
• A second map will show your country in its world location.
A close up map showing latitude and longitude will be your third map.
• Check out the following http://go.hrw.com/atlas/norm_htm/world. You click on your country to view a close up map of your country.
• There must be pictures of topography – mountains, plains, forests, lakes
• Show pictures of the seasons AND provide a description of the seasons in your adopted country.
• You will do a collage of slides showing pictures of the country and its people. These will be labeled.
• Find a population graph for your adopted country, include it, and explain what it means.

Your presentation will involve an oral descriptive component and background music. The background music should be related to the adopted country.

Use Power Point!


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